Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Movie Review - Simpsons The Movie

"Spider pig, Spider pig, And it does whatever Spider pig does..."

Haha! My Precious and I went to see this movie over the weekend and this is be far the best movie I have seen for the year 2007! It's a real hoot with it's laugh-a-minute jokes! I thought it would be tiring at first, but it didn't feel that way at all!

The Good

The sappy part when Marge taped over the wedding video to tell Homer she was going to leave him... ("Why do birds, suddenly appear... Every time... you are near...")

Green Day going: "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da" (Count the no. of "Da"s; it's correct) and the ship sinking ala Titanic style

Arnie going: "I was elected by the people to Lead... Not to Read!"

Homer scolding the audience (i.e. us) for watching a paid movie when we have been watching the cartoon on TV for free for so many years

My Precious likes the Naked Bart scene and the Boob Lady

Maggie 1st word: "Sequel" (Hopefully I don't have to wait another 18 years for that... Don't even know if I will still be around then...)

And of course - The Spider Pig song with the opera singers backup during the rolling of the Credits

The Bad

The hole through which the Simpsons escape from the Dome; Seems a bit too easy.

The side story about Bart wanting Ned Flenders as his Dad instead of Homer... Seems like the theme for one of the cartoon episodes... A bit repetitive...

The Verdict

Why are you still reading my review? Go watch the movie NOW!


Unknown said...

HEY! I like the good parts that you've mentioned too! Why must you just mention that I like the parts about naked Bart and the Boob Lady? Haha! :)

aC said...

Haha! Because I found those parts ok only, but you kept laughing at thme non-stop. Yup, you like the Green day part, the sappy "Why do birds suddenly appear" part as well as the Spider pig song.

And yes, the lyrics are correct.